Is Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Airborne?

Researchers are yet to determine how long does coronavirus disease (COVID-19) remain in the air. There have been few cases of health complications from an airborne infection, but the search for a potential solution is not over.
The coronavirus is common in poultry, but not in humans. As reported by USA Today, it is believed that human-to-human transmission of the virus occurred with camels in Saudi Arabia.
It was first identified in 2012, known as the MERS-CoV -Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus. For the past eight years, sporadic cases of respiratory illnesses have been reported in the United States, mostly from people who had close contact with animals infected with the virus.
The virus causes a contagious respiratory illness, which causes coughing, running nose, and watery eyes. In rare cases, the virus can cause other symptoms such as fever, chills, vomiting, stomach pain, diarrhea, and abdominal pain.
In a study by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, researchers concluded that it is likely that human-to-human transmission of the coronavirus occurred in the SARS outbreak in China.
While the focus of this article is on current COVID-19 cases of respiratory illness, research indicates that more people than ever are becoming infected with the virus, and some preliminary studies have shown that it may cause more severe consequences in the future.
There is currently no cure for coronavirus. However, doctors are studying antiviral medications, but there are still no definitive answers about the effectiveness of these treatments.
The chances of developing other respiratory diseases are higher if you have respiratory infections while exposed to the virus. Other possible complications include pneumonia, fluid in the lungs, and heart failure.
In the United States, it is believed that a small percentage of those who have contracted the coronavirus remains infectious.
The virus can be spread through direct contact with bodily fluids, including saliva, mucus, blood, breast milk, and semen. It is also possible to transmit the virus by breathing in infected droplets.
Like other respiratory illnesses, the virus can also be transmitted through coughs, sneezes, and splashes from surfaces contaminated with the virus. So how long does coronavirus disease (COVID-19) remain in the air?
The question still has not been confirmed as to if COVID-19 is airborne. Respiratory viruses linger in the air, and they can stay in the air even after the air conditioner or ventilation system has been turned off.
Moreover, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention conducted a study that determined that the presence of the coronavirus in the air on days when the temperature reaches 100 degrees Fahrenheit is comparable to having one open window.
Of course, the virus can also remain in the air even after the temperature drops, and the air conditioning or ventilation system is switched off.
Because respiratory illness can be easily spread by coughing or sneezing, for this reason, healthcare workers have been advised to install barriers to minimize physical contact with patients.
Despite these precautions, there is still much that is unknown about the dangers posed by the coronavirus.
The best way to reduce the risks is to limit direct contact with other people, especially people who have respiratory infections. And to use quality hand sanitizers when working around the home or hospital.
Let do our part to help the situation and stay home to help slow down the spread of this killer virus.
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